We(Re-Borny Jewelry Int'l Co Ltd ) are the manufacturer of stainless steel chains & jewelry and the specialist in CNC stone setting on watch cases. In 1977, Re-Borny Headquarter was established i

三禾的維修部設備完善, 能為客人提供基本的維修保養外, 更能提供比賽級的專業服務. 由一般的綿羊仔,巡行車, 街車, 以及超級跑車 都是我們的服務對象. 三禾公司除了有一般的維修工具, 如裝拆胎機, 升降台, 氮氣機外, 還有可為你的愛驅做全面測試的 馬力機. Our WorkShop, facilities and services Sanwa do everything from simply

We Clean with our HEARTS! You can depend of us as Easy Care has been in the market since 1985. Established in 1985, Easy Care Carpet Systems Limited has been specializing in carpet maintenance servic
E商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Easy Care Carpet Systems Ltd.

查理斯天地~ 首先歡迎大家加入這個(查理斯天地)討論區,在這裡你可認識從不同角度來的養狗或不養朋友,發表意見,心得,推介,組織聚會. 查理斯王小獵犬,在香港非常小人認識及飼養,近兩2年才開始多點人認識,希望透過本會講解能推廣更多人認知查理斯犬的勇敢,温順,服從,可親的一面! ~本會成立歷史~ 早於2004年4月開始,早期一班相識查友自組活動是透過電話及e-mail舉辦聚會,而會友人數不斷增多,為

Dogs with spinal disc disease causing pain or paralysis should be immediately assessed using myelography and can have spinal surgery to ensure their prompt recovery,Pets are usually in hospital for u
寵物 / 獸醫太平道寵物診所

Surgery At Ninelives we offer a full surgical service *with state of the art monitoring equipment. Prior to any surgery it is our policy to run a pre-anaesthetic blood panel on our ISTAT machine whic
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

脊椎骨手術 脊椎骨手術: 狗隻如因脊椎盤疾病而引起痛楚或痲痺,則需要盡快進行脊髓 X光造影手術或進行脊椎手術以確保康復。寵物通常需要留院十日,期間您可以每天探訪寵物。手術後,獸醫通常會建議完全困籠休息直至寵物可再度行走,康復時間可能需要2 - 3 個月,但要視乎手術的嚴重性而定 。 。 骨科手術 骨科手術 : 患有骨折的貓隻及狗隻,如有需要,可使用鋼板進行內部固定手術。手術後四至六週後,需要覆診
寵物 / 獸醫太平道寵物診所

IT is a vital part of your business, but is it a constant headache, or a smooth running machine that helps get the job done? Let Anderson Solutions be your expert. Whether it's getting the computers
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫安達時電腦顧問有限公司

Fitness Centre The Fitness Centre is located in the Annexe building overlooking the carpark. It is fully equipped with cardio equipment ranging from Crosstrainers to treadmills, bikes and a rowing ma
運動及健身 / 會社、組織及團體香港木球會 Hong Kong Cricket Club

新生境地 mediBEAUTY 全新一站式纖體美顏護理中心設於旺角惠豐中心 18 樓全層(女士會所)及 14 樓(男士會所),佔地合共逾 10,000 呎。提供一站式的修身療程及美容服務。利用高科技儀器,改善臉部皮膚的狀態如青春痘、凹凸洞等;加速收緊鬆弛的肌肉,消除多餘的脂肪;讓你以全新形象展現人前。 誘發型男魅力 mediBEAUTY for MEN 佔地逾3,000呎,設備先進。當中包括多間
m美容 / 纖體修身mediBEAUTY

Attention to all the passionate ART LOVERS out there, who breathes, craves and desires ART Expose to the world for the very first time in Hong Kong . Exhibition: JLEE 360 Artist Reception: March 8th,

勤達中心MIDAS PLAZA座落於東九龍核心地段 – 新蒲崗大有街1號,為該區最新落成的高級商業樓宇,鄰近鑽石山港鐵站,地理位置優越,交通便捷,被譽為東九龍 最優質商業大廈之一。 新蒲崗是東九龍區發展迅速的新興商業區,未來將有多個發展項目,區域面貌將會有重大蛻變,發展潛力優厚。 交通設施四通八達 勤達中心盡佔新蒲崗區最有利位置,鄰近鑽石山港鐵站及大型購物商場,更位處彩虹道及大有街交
商業 / 商業優惠雋富商務中心
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